Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Module 11- Discussion_Business Organization and Management

Module 11- Discussion_Business Organization and Management

Q Some managers object to systematic approaches to motivating employees by expressing the thought, "Why should you have to go out of your way to motivate people to do what they are paid to do?". Share your reactions to this statement. Do you feel motivation breeds performance? After reviewing the information in this chapter, what motivational tactics would work for you?

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It can be said that most of the managers try to express their feeling by motivating the employees who are mostly related to the better-paid environment. It has always been noticed that every work environment that is able to make some fair decisions and also keep their employees motivated are able to gain better success rates and this is major because they are able to get some better opportunities to serve their best outcomes and also be able to work on their strengths and weaknesses in a better way. It is very important for the manager to be able to establish a healthy working environment that will help the organization in accomplishing the goals and objectives that are considered to be very important while addressing the motivational strategies.